
끝내주는 식빵 by 멜리사 클라크 Excellent White Bread by Mellisa Clark

Sth Btwn Us 2017. 3. 23. 22:17

  식빵을 처음 구워보았다. 뉴욕타임즈 레시피 참조. (링크) 베이킹은 전자저울 필수.

  재료 :
            이스트 2.25 tsp or 7 g 
            미지근하게 데운 우유 1.5 cups or 355 ml
            백설탕 1/3 cup or 67 g  
            가는 소금 1 tbsp or 15 g
            무염버터 3 tbsp or 43 g
            달걀 2 개
            강력분 5-6 cups or 625g- 750g

    Step 1.
    In a large electric mixer bowl, dissolve yeast in 1/4 cup warm milk. Add the remaining warm milk, the sugar, the salt, the butter and the eggs. Add 5 cups flour and mix with paddle attachment until smooth, about 2 minutes. Switch to hook attachment and knead on low speed, adding more flour if necessary until dough is stiff and slightly tacky, about 10 minutes. -> 푸드프로세서가 없는 사람은 그냥 손으로 치대도 된다. 밀가루 5컵을 넣고 반죽하면 상당히 끈적거리고 들러붙는데, 그러면 밀가루를 조금씩 더 넣으면서 들러붙기는 하지만 손에서는 떨어질 정도의 반죽이 될 때까지 치대준다.

    Step 2.
    Grease a large bowl with butter and turn dough out into the bowl. Flip over dough so greased side is up, cover with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and set in a warm, draft-free spot until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Generously butter two 9-x-5 loaf pans. -> 랩으로 싼 다음 보일러 켜고 이불 덮어 놓으면 빠르게 부푼다. 시간 단축 가능. 식빵틀에 버터 바르는 건 굽기 직전에 해도 됨.

    Step 3.
    When dough has doubled in size, turn it out onto floured surface and knead for 3 minutes. Return to greased bowl, cover and let rise again for 30 minutes. 

    Step 4.
    Press down dough with your hand to expel the air. Divide dough in half and place each half into a loaf pan. Brush tops of loaves with remaining melted butter.

    Step 5.
    Cover and let rise until dough is just above the tops of pans, 45 minutes to 1 hour.

    Step 6.
    Heat oven to 400 degrees. Bake bread for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 20 to 30 minutes, or until loaves sound hollow when tapped, the tops are brown and the internal temperatures are 200 degrees. Remove loaves from pans and let cool on wire racks. -> 400도씨, 350도씨는 화씨다. 각각 섭씨 204도씨, 176도씨.  

후기. 일단 굉장히 만족스럽지 못했다. 부드럽고 결대로 찢어지면서 탄력있는 빵을 원했는데 탄력만 있음. 암튼 제빵 전문가한테 물어봐야할 듯...